Mold Remediation Steps
If you have a mold problem in Seattle, or want to make sure you don’t have one in the future, mold removal and remediation can help you breathe easy. Nearly any location can face mold issues. Don’t let it sneak up on you in your existing home or cause damage during the construction of a […]
What Happens When Mold Spores Enter the Body?
Is it really a problem if you are exposed to black mold spores?
The answer to that is definitely yes! Mold not only grows on surfaces inside and outside of your home, but if it is inhaled, it can continue its growth inside your body.
Why is Mold Dangerous
We all experience a little mold every now and then, mainly on food that has been left too long in the refrigerator. But, unless you eat it (who would?), that isn’t the mold that can be dangerous to our health.
Black Mold Poisoning – It’s Coming From Inside The House

Perhaps it’s been a wet summer and you come across it in the garage. Perhaps you’re purchasing a home and find it during an inspection. Maybe it was just there one day, growing quietly in the corner of a bedroom. However it got there, you’ve got black mold, and clearly the world is about to […]
Mold Toxicity Symptoms And Mold Sickness Symptoms
Mold Sickness Symptoms There is evidence that certain types of mold can produce chemicals that are toxic to humans. These chemicals are called mycotoxins. Some mycotoxins can cause serious health problems. The most commonly reported symptom of exposure to mycotoxins is respiratory problems, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing. Other symptoms include skin irritation, headaches, […]
Brown Mold On Ceiling, Walls, Wood, Carpet? – Find Out Why
There is a lot of discussion about black mold and its dangers, but there isn’t a lot said about brown mold, and although it’s a fairly common type of mold many people may not have even heard the term.
Brown hairy mold, or Stemonitis, is called that because because it has a brown furry appearance.
White Mold On Wood, Carpet, And In Your Attic And Crawl Space
White Mold On Wood Mold is a type of fungus. It normally starts to grow in damp, warm environments when there are spores floating in the air. The spores enter through open windows or doors, ventilation systems, or just settle down slowly from the ceiling. Some molds are black in color while others can be […]
How To Get Rid Of Mold On Window Sill From Condensation
During the winter season we experience not only a chill, but also dampness in the air.
With the cold air outside and the warm air inside, with our homes closed up tighter, and our furnaces running, many of us are plagued by foggy windows or even worse, wet windows, better described as condensation.
How Long Does It Take for Mold to Grow?

Because mold is both damaging and dangerous to property and people, it’s important to pay attention to any evidence that it might be growing in your office or home.
How To Get Rid Of Mold In Shower And Mold In Bathroom
How To Get Rid Of Shower Mold Mold in the shower can be a problem for several reasons. First, mold loves warm, damp environments, and the bathroom is often both of those things. Second, mold can cause respiratory problems for some people, particularly those with asthma or allergies. Finally, mold can be unsightly and difficult […]
Mold Spores In Our Homes, The Air & On Our Clothes
As a living organism, mold needs a way to reproduce. That is where spores some in.
Spores are the reproduction method for fungus and algae. Since mold is a fungus, its means of reproduction is through spores, which are asexual, and don’t need to combine with anything in order to reproduce. Spores are much like seeds, but are much quicker and have a higher reproduction rate.
How Much Mold Exposure is Harmful in Seattle?

Some people are more sensitive to mold than others, but no matter what your sensitivities are, everyone should limit their exposure to mold.
Mold is actually a fungus and can be found indoors as well as outdoors. Although there is not an exact count of how many different types of mold there are, it is estimated that there may be from tens of thousands to as many as three hundred thousand.
How People Get Indoor Allergy to Mold – How to Fix It?

What are the different types of Mold Allergies? Many types of molds exist in the US, but only a few dozen have been documented to cause an allergic reaction in people. The most common molds include: Alternaria Aspergillus Aureobasidium (Pullularia) Chaetomium Cladosporium (hormodendrum) Epicoccum Fusarium Helmin-thosporium Mucor Penicillium Rhizopus Stachybotrys Chartarum Serpula Lacrymans Trichoderma Ulocladium […]
Protection & Mold Prevention – How Mold Removal Works, Part 3

There is a lot of discussion about black mold and its dangers, but there isn’t a lot said about brown mold, and although it’s a fairly common type of mold many people may not have even heard the term.
Brown hairy mold, or Stemonitis, is called that because because it has a brown furry appearance.
Mold Remediation, Preparation & Treatment – How Mold Removal Works, Part 2

There is a lot of discussion about black mold and its dangers, but there isn’t a lot said about brown mold, and although it’s a fairly common type of mold many people may not have even heard the term.
Brown hairy mold, or Stemonitis, is called that because because it has a brown furry appearance.
Diagnosing Your Mold Problem – How Mold Removal Works, Part 1

There is a lot of discussion about black mold and its dangers, but there isn’t a lot said about brown mold, and although it’s a fairly common type of mold many people may not have even heard the term.
Brown hairy mold, or Stemonitis, is called that because because it has a brown furry appearance.
Is Mold Exposure Dangerous to People With Weakened Immune Systems?
Although continuous exposure to mold growth is hazardous to everyone, the level of risk for people with weakened immune systems is definitely higher than for those who are healthier.
By inhaling or simply touching mold or its spores, allergic reaction may be experienced, and for those who suffer with asthma, mold can increase the asthma attacks.
How To Get Mold Out Of Clothes
Dealing with moldy clothes isn’t typically what we do, but it’s an issue for many people, and can be a sign of further problems.
Just like organic materials around your home, ie. walls, carpets, flooring or ceilings; if conditions are just right, mold can begin growing on your clothing and …
What are Mycotoxins and How Can They Affect You?
Just hearing the last part of the word – “toxin” – we know automatically that mycotoxins can’t be good for us and they are something to stay away from.
A mycotoxin is type of toxin that is produced by fungus, (another word we don’t like), and is more commonly known as black mold.
How Clean is the Air You Breathe in Your Seattle Home?
There is all kinds of talk about the outside air we breathe…is it clean; is it free from such things as the toxic emissions from cars, manufacturing pollutants or even outdoor burning?
But have you ever considered the air you breathe in your home
Could Mold be Hiding in Your Home? Learn How to Find Out
All too often, when a home has mold problems, the mold is found hiding in places you don’t often look at. By the time its presence is detected, it has had a chance to really take hold and do damage to your home and possibly your health.
Solve Your Allergies Seattle Problem – Symptoms Caused by Mold
Do you feel like you are “doomed” to live with cold symptoms forever? Is it one of those seasonal colds or sinus infections that you just can’t get rid of?
How Quickly Does Water Damage Need to be Dried?
When most people think of water damage, the first thing that pops into their mind is damage from floods. Floods are devastating, and happen only periodically…but there is water damage that happens frequently, is more common place than floods and can cause a great deal of damage.
How Can You Get Rid of Bathroom Mold?
Mold has plagued people down through the ages, you can even read about how to properly handle mold in the Book of Leviticus in the Bible.
Because, unlike plants, mold (which is a fungus) does not make its own food, it depends on organic materials to sustain itself and grow.
What are the Real Facts About Mold?
If you look throughout the internet and through various news articles, you can find a lot written about mold, how it grows and its adverse affect of people.
You can especially find a lot of information
Is Mold Dangerous? Learn the Truth
A couple of online forums have people asking about the dangers of mold, and it’s very interesting to see all the different answers that are given.
Keep in mind, none of these answers come from professionals,
Is It Necessary to Call a Mold Inspector in Seattle?
Do you know what mold looks like?
Do you know all of its hiding places?
Do you recognize its odor?
Do you know how to safely treat it?
Do you understand how dangerous it can be?
Signs of Mold
Does Your Home Exhibit Signs of Mold Growth? Like many people, you may have mold growing in your home and not recognize the signs that it has become an unwanted resident, or as they used to say in the “old west”, it’s squatting on your property. The problem is, by not being aware of, or […]
How to Remove Mold in Seattle?
Over the years, and especially recently, there have been many products and “home remedies” developed to remove mold. But the truth is, unless the mold you want to get rid of is growing on food in the refrigerator or on a non-porous surface such as tile or glass, removing mold is a more serious issue than a “home remedy” can fix.
Why is Condensation a Problem?
It’s never a good thing when a homeowner discovers condensation in their home. A little moisture on your windows or even your walls doesn’t seem like it could be too important, but condensation is a sign of